Welcome to your Certified Clinical Trauma Specialist: Trauma and Addiction (2021)

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What is a common medication to treat alcohol use disorder?

What is the limbic system responsible for?

Which statement about memory is true?

How is muscle tension affected when an individual is more deeply drawn into the dominance game?

Which template is NOT created by a child’s nervous system looking for stimulus?

Which of the following is NOT an indication of an integrated brain?

Which of the following is NOT a phase of adaptation?

What is an example of tolerable stress?

In Arizona, what percentage of children ages 12 to 17 have experienced two or more ACEs?

What happens when there is increased potentiated reactivity?

Which of the following does NOT indicate that a client is ready to begin exposure work?

How can a clinician support the recovery of people with histories of adversity?

How can an individual avoid activating someone’s “sore spots”?

Changes in the hormones and biochemistry of the body lead to _____ changes in behavior, emotions, and thinking

What is the nature of parasympathetic system?

Which of the following is NOT a question that one should ask themselves to promote personal growth?

Which of the following statements about the vagus nerve is false?

What is the bottom-up method from Bessel Van der Kolk?

How many drug overdose deaths occurred in the United States in the 12 months ending in May 2020?

What is an action-oriented behavior related to adaptation?

Which of the following statements is false about the reptilian brain?

Which of the following is NOT expected in sympathetic dominance?

What is a intrusion symptom of PTSD?

What fraction of individuals with 7+ ACEs have heart disease?

Which of the following is NOT a reason why COVID-19 may have been traumatizing for some individuals?

What behavior emerges when there is hypoarousal?

Which of the following is NOT relational-developmental trauma?

What is meaningfulness according to Antonovsky’s work?

Which of the following statements is false about using the SUD’s scale?

Which of the following is a salutogenic definition of addiction?

Which of the following is NOT a way that an individual could be invited to engage in the social dominance game?

What was found in the brain scan of cocaine abusers?

What percentage of U.S. adults indicate they have a family member/close friend who is addicted to drugs or has been in the past?

What is a salutogenic assumption?

Which of the following statements is false regarding ibogaine?

What is indicative of a substance use disorder rather than addiction?

What is a behavioral salutogenic attribute?

According to the American Medical Association in 1957, what is “primary”?

Which of the following is NOT a step to interoception?

In 2008, what was the prevalence of PTSD in SUD clients in comparison to the general population?

What are the two categories of ACEs?

Which of the following is NOT a principle of a trauma sensitive organization?

When the balance system (ANS) is dysregulated, it responds with ___________

A trauma informed lens ___________

Which of the following does NOT occur when the hot system is activated?

What occurs when executive functioning can take place?

What happens when cortisol is released in limbic shift?

Which of the following is NOT one of the four R’s from SAMHSA?

Which of the following is NOT included in the format to give information?

Which of the following is NOT provided by the integrated brain?

In 2010, what percentage of people had 1 ACE?

1. What is a somatic resource for the traumatic reaction of muscular hypervigilance?

What can happen when there is a large increase in noradrenalin?

What emerges when categories collapse?

Which of the following statements is false regarding trauma?

What happens when the body moves into sympathetic dominance?

How can a clinician show cultural humility and competence?

What does the amygdala do?

Which of the following is NOT a salutogenic asset-focused counselor characteristic?

What can determine how genes are turned on/off or whether some are expressed at all?

What is the difference between impulsive and instrumental aggression?

How can an individual motivate trauma clients?

Why was treatment unsuccessful for Jaime?

Which of the following is NOT an attribute of an optimal living environment?

Which of the following is NOT a way to stimulate the vagus nerve?

What can happen when there is reduced serotonin in the body?

Which of the following questions asks about the degree of recovery?

What is implicit memory?

How does binary thinking make healing and dealing effectively with trauma more complicated?

Which of the following is NOT how the human body reacts to threat, toxic stress, or adversity?

What has Medicated Assisted Treatment (MAT) been shown to do?

Which of the following is NOT associated with SUD and PTSD?

Which of the following statements is false about the salutogenic approach?

Which of the following is NOT included in Stage 1: Preparation and Relationship Building?

Which of the following is NOT included in Stage 2: Psychoeducation and Self-regulation?

What can one do to build their inner resources daily?

Which of the following is NOT a hippocampal function

What is the neocortex involved with?

Which of the following is NOT a core feature in resilience?

Which of the following questions about symptoms asks about duration?

What happens when the relational social engagement system is suppressed?

Which of the following is NOT an attribute of pathogenesis?

Which of the following does NOT occur when the ACC is repeatedly activated?

Which of the following is NOT a criterion for intermittent explosive disorder?

What can sensory integration rooms be used for?

What assessment can be used for trauma history and treatment planning?

Which of the following is NOT an increased risk for people with 4 ACEs?

What percent of participants engaging in AA would remain completely abstinent one year later?

Which of the following does NOT belong to Picker’s Eight Principles of Patient Centered Care?

Which of the following statements regarding yoga is false?

What does oxytocin enable?

How long does it take for a single dose of the fiery cocktail to metabolize?

Which of the following statements is false regarding epigenetics and addiction?

How can a therapist capacity build with a client?

What is an example of a process addiction?

What do pathogenic approaches address?

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